Verfügbarkeit Lagernd
31,81€ 82,99€

  • Das Produkt enthält 9 Aromen zum kleinen, wenn es zusammen mit extra Virgin Olive Oils kombiniert wird, 3 Fehler, die nicht in der Qualität Olive Oils und einer Publication in Englisch auf dem Gebiet des smells und how to Taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

  • Trainieren Sie Ihre Sinne von smell und Ihren Olivenöl. You will rapily learn to recognise the aromas most frequently found in high quality olive oils Dies ist ein Must-have Tasting Tool für both amateurs, die die Welt der Tasting und für expert Taster die Welt des Tastens anfangen, die die Sense der kleinen Person zu erlangen. These aromas are widely used by sommeliers and professionals

  • TASTERPLACE is a supplier of aroma-Kits to Sommelier Associations.

  • Es ist eine elegante Geschenkidee für alle Olivenöl-Liebhaber und ein tolles Spiel zum Spielen mit Familie und Freunden.

  • Probieren Sie schnell Ihre Olfactory Memory by Training mit diesem Aroma. The 12 aromas included: Grapefruit, Apple, Banana, Tomato Leaf, Artichoke, Green Grass, Bay Leaf, Almond, Blackberry, Musty-Humid-Earthy (Defect), Rancid (Defect), Fusty-Muddy-Sediment (Defect).

  • Training der olfactory sense is important because it permits us to recognize the aroma of the olive oils and to select products more tailored to our tastes and interests. It is a sense that we train very little and we therefore are not used to combinating names to that which we wahrceive; it is not possible to identify a smell if we have not smelled it before and given it a name. Der olfactory Memory kann trainiert und improve notably, time, with practice. Try to smell the samples in a blind smell test and measure the progress of your olfactory sense. Once you have memory a particlular aroma, it will be much easier to identify, in its delicate forms, in an extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) that you taste. Das Aroma Samples enthält 9 häufig vorkommende Aromen in hoher Qualität EVOOS, und 3 der Defekte meistens gemeinsam encountered, dass das Öl generic instead of "Extra Virgin" Olive Oil verlangt. The 12 aromas included: Grapefruit, Apple, Banana, Tomato Leaf, Artichoke, Green Grass, Bay Leaf, Almond, Blackberry, Musty-Humid-Earthy (Defect), Rancid (Defect), Fusty-Muddy-Sediment (Defect). The publication included illustrates: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (characteristics, health benefits, use in the kitchen), Tasting (nose; mouth; taste and tactile qualities; aromatic qualities; negative attributes and defects); how to train the nose (our wahrnehmung of aromas; using the aromas; using the aromas; using the aromas; using the aromas; using the aromas; using the aromas; using the aromas; using the aromamples; the Extra Virgin Olive Oil aromas)

    TASTERPLACE Aroma Set – Extra Virgin Olive Oil – English – for Sommeliers – for Olive Oil Lovers – Tasting… - B08CS15XKKC